Which are 34 seaports in Vietnam?

In the previous article, we learned about Seaports and learned that, according to the latest announcement (Decision No. 804/QD-TTg dated July 8, 2022), Vietnam currently has 34 seaports. These seaports are divided into 4 types: Special type, type I, type II and type III. We will learn about the classification of Seaports and the list of those 34 seaports at below content.

How to classify seaports?

Seaports in Vietnam are classified according to Decree No. 76/2021/ND-CP dated July 28, 2021. According to this Decree, the assessment and classification of seaports in Vietnam is based on 2 criteria: Scope of influence of the seaport and Scale of the seaport; according to the scoring method with a rating scale of 100 points.

Based on the score, seaports are assessed and classified into 4 types, namely: Special seaports: Total score of over 90 points; Type I seaports: Total score of over 70 points to 90 points; Type II seaports: Total score of 50 points to 70 points; Type III seaports: Total score of less than 50 points. Below is a detailed table of criteria for assessing and classifying seaports:

Seq.Criteria for evaluating and classifying seaportsScore (maximum)
AInfluence of port50
 Serving the socio-economic development of the whole country or inter-regional and having the function of international transit or international gateway50
 Serving the socio-economic development of the whole country or inter-regions40
 Serving the socio-economic development of the region30
 Serving local socio-economic development20
BScale of ports50
IVolume of goods passing through seaports30
1Bulk cargo and general cargo through seaport12
 Over 4 million tons/year12
 From 02 to 04 million tons/year10
 From 01 to under 02 million tons/year8
 Under 01 million tons/year6
2Container volume through seaport10
 Over 4 million tons/year10
 From 02 to 04 million tons/year8
 From 01 to under 02 million tons/year6
 Under 01 million tons/year4
3Liquid cargo through seaport8
 Trên 02 triệu Tấn/năm8
 Over 2 million tons/year6
 From 0.5 to under 01 million tons/year4
 Under 0.5 million tons/year2
IIBy ship tonnage receiving20
1Seaports include container and general terminals for trade 10
 Accepting ship tonnage from 70,000 DWT and above10
 Accepting ship tonnage from 30,000 DWT to under 70,000 DWT8
 Accepting ship tonnage from 10,000 DWT to under 30,000 DWT6
 Accepting ship tonnage under 10,000 DWT4
2Seaports include specialized terminals10
 Accepting ship tonnage from 70,000 DWT and above10
 Accepting ship tonnage from 30,000 DWT to under 70,000 DWT8
 Accepting ship tonnage from 10,000 DWT to under 30,000 DWT6
 Accepting ship tonnage under 10,000 DWT4
 Total score100

List of 34 seaports in Vietnam

ClassificationQuantityName of port
Special seaports
(over 90 points)
02 ports1. Port of Hai Phong
2. Port of Ba Ria – Vung Tau
Type I Ports (over 70 to 90 points)11 ports1. Port of Quảng Ninh
2. Port of Thanh Hóa
3. Port of Nghệ An
4. Port of Hà Tĩnh
5. Port of Đà Nẵng
6. Port of Quảng Ngãi
7. Port of Bình Định
8. Port of Khánh Hòa
9. Port of Ho Chi Minh city
10. Port of Đồng Nai
11. Port of Cần Thơ
Type II Ports (from 50 to 70 points)7 ports1. Port of Quảng Bình
2. Port of Quảng Trị
3. Port ofn Thừa Thiên – Huế
4. Port of Bình Thuận
5. Port of Đồng Tháp
6. Port of Hậu Giang
7. Port of Trà Vinh
Type III Port
(under 50 points)
14 ports1. Port of Nam Định
2. Port of Thái Bình
3. Port of Quảng Nam
4. Port of Phú Yên
5. Port of Ninh Thuận
6. Port of Bình Dương
7. Port of Long An
8. Port of Tiền Giang
9. Port of Bến Tre
10. Port of Sóc Trăng
11. Port of An Giang
12. Port of Vĩnh Long
13. Port of Cà Mau
14. Port of Kiên Giang

Hopefully the above article has provided readers with details about seaports in Vietnam as well as how to evaluate and classify them. If you need further discussion, need advice or have a need for Logistics services, please comment below or contact our team of experts immediately to receive the earliest support.

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